Dear Santa,
In my last blog I suggested inviting a friend to go for a run for a holiday gift idea. I truly believe this is one of the greatest gifts you could ever give, or receive. Runs with others provide an opportunity to solve the world and personal life’s problems, to share stories, laughter, and memories that never get forgotten and offer inside jokes for years to come. I always said I am glad that trees don’t have ears or mouths to share what they’ve heard. Oh yes, and the health benefits too.
Oh no, I am deviating from my initial purpose of this letter. What I wanted to tell you is that you might consider this invitation upon your arrival back at the North Pole after delivering presents all over the world and indulging in far too many cookies and glasses of milk. Get some ever important sleep and then start your running regime. I am sure you could recruit a few elves or Mrs. Claus to join you.
Another suggestion I have for you and all the runners in the world facing temperatures below 35 degrees- some Mizuno running gear to layer up. In fact why don’t you just add a Mizuno Breath Thermo Stretch Crew shirt to every one of your runner’s wish list along with a Drylite thermo long sleeved ½ zip. All the runners on your list will then be sure to be good boys and girls, all snug and warm as they get out the door and run. Joy will be spread all over the world. Smiles will freeze to us runners faces but our hearts will be warm. I’ve been sporting mine for weeks and I want to share these good tidings with others. Please consider. They also fit nicely down the chimney.
Merry Christmas!
Serena Burla