Getting The Most Out of Yourself

What helps you dig deep when you feel like you have nothing more to give?  What can enable you to transcend expectations from both yourself and peers?  How do you get the most out of yourself, when you don’t even know what that is?

I am talking about that extra ounce of energy, that last surge of speed, when your body is screaming at you to slow down and give up.  When your mind starts throwing doubts your way and you fell like giving in, but you yell at yourself, “No!  I am not done!”

People always talk about the mental aspect of running.  That running is as much physical as it is mental.   It is hard to argue the physical side of the sport, but how do you quantify the mental side?  What does that really mean?

I know I have posed many questions so far in this post, but I am sure that these are relevant to you all in your own running pursuits.  I know I personally have put a lot of thought into how I see these questions answered.  And I truly believe that you can be your worst competitor in a race or workout.  I believe that you (your mind) can get in your own way when trying to get everything out of yourself.  Is your mind everything?  No.  You have to be healthy, train extremely smart & hard, and want it very badly as well.  But giving every bit you have is directly related to how well your mind can push you to your max.

When adversity strikes, which it will, more doubts and limitations will arise in your mind that will create a downward spiral effect in your performance.  I know I have been there myself, and I bet most of you can think of a time where you can relate in your own training or even in your personal life…since they are connected.  This is when you can define “success as the direct result of how well your mind channels your physical talents.”  This quote really hits home to me, and I believe it describes the relationship between the physical and mental aspects of the sport perfectly.

In essence, we don’t know what our limits are.  When I am out racing, I see that challenge as the ultimate test of my physical prowess as well as my mental toughness.  And if I truly gave everything I had, I am never disappointed.

Carry On,

Renee Metivier Baillie

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