March Inspiration: Meet The Great Kate

Most of us take for granted being able to pull on a pair of shoes and go run or walk a couple miles. But what if one day you found that you couldn’t feel your fingers as they tied your shoes, that your feet kept scuffing the pavement despite your brain screaming at your legs to lift your knees, and

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Mom on the Run: The Winter Grind

The Winter Grind can be rough even for the most motivated runners. It’s cold, dark, and just plain ugly.  Often times made even longer when April fools you and you get those late season snow showers!  It’s with the challenges of the winter runner that I’d like to share my 3 “B’s” of winter training.  BASE. BIBs. BANTER.    

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Dear Santa…

Dear Santa, In my last blog I suggested inviting a friend to go for a run for a holiday gift idea.  I truly believe this is one of the greatest gifts you could ever give, or receive.  Runs with others provide an opportunity to solve the world and personal life’s problems, to share stories, laughter, and memories that never get

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