I raced this past weekend at the Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon. It went well, as I was able to get the win, in a time of 1:03:51. A summary of the day’s events with a few photos can be found here.
I decided to race here in Vancouver shortly after the Ottawa 10k. Training was going well and it seemed like a good opportunity to test myself over a longer distance – after racing two 10ks in the months prior. I was a bit concerned about the big downhill down from UBC to Spanish Banks, as the pain in my pelvis returns from time to time when running downhills hard.
This interview from after the race sums up my thoughts pretty well. So well in fact I’ll stop writing and let you watch it instead:
I’m pleased to have this one under my belt. I was not nervous about my fitness, but admittedly was about my body holding up over 21.1km. Writing this now everything feels good. I’m taking it easy for a few days now and then am looking forward to getting back into training. No races on the horizon at this point, but I’ll update when there is.
As usual with Canada Running Series races, this event was very well done. Hats off to Clif, Alan, and their crew.
Thanks for reading/watching!