By: Mizuno Athlete Leah Thorvilson
So many races….so little time. With the ever growing popularity of running, it seems like every time you turn around there is a new race happening. On top of that, all the ones that have been long standing bucket list races for many people are becoming harder and harder to get in to. So, how do you choose??
For me, race selection boils down to what I am hoping to get out of it. Every year I will first sit down with my coach and look for what we call my “A” races. Since my main focus as a runner is on the marathon, those are the races I choose first.
Choosing the right marathon boils down to a couple of questions. Is the course conducive to running a fast time? What is the terrain like and does that fit my strengths as a runner? What is the competition like? Will I be able to mix it up with some top elite runners, and hope to get pulled to a faster time? Or will I have to be prepared to run a solo effort? This could mean either it is a fast course but it doesn’t attract competition, or it attracts faster competition than I can keep up with and I am likely to get left behind. Other factors I take into account are how easy is it to travel to the race, and will I have to travel alone. While that may not be a big deal for some elite marathoners, travelling to big races alone makes me very nervous. I prefer to travel with a friend, if not a group of friends, who will help keep the mood a bit lighter until “go time”.
I will choose 2-3 “A” races each year, and then build a training plan around those events that will work in “B” races. “B” race selection is a bit less serious. This is where I get to choose a race I’ve wanted to run that doesn’t necessarily bode well from a competition or time standpoint, but is a great destination where I know I will come away with some amazing memories, and get a great workout in the process. “B” races are also good for what some people would call cherry picking races. Meaning selecting a race based on the fact that they offer a large enough amount of prize money to make it worth the trip, but small enough amount that it won’t attract a large elite field and you have a very good shot at winning it. Usually there is a lot less pressure at a “B” race.
At the end of the day, my advice on choosing a race is simple. First, decide what you want to gain…. A new PR? Learning how to race out of your comfort zone? Gotta have that race medal? All your friends really want to visit that winery located conveniently in the same city? All these reasons are great reasons to choose! So get on google and take a look at that calendar….the racing world is your oyster.
Leah is an accomplished long distance runner for the Mizuno Race Team. She is the four time winner of the Little Rock Marathon, competed in the 2012 US Olympic Marathon Trials and has the 4th fastest 50 mile time for a US woman all-time. She is an active member of her local running community and currently works at her Alma mater University of Arkansas Little Rock in the athletic department.