By: The Mizuno Shoe Guy
The Wave Inspire has always had a unique spot on the shoe wall at your favorite store: it’s the one lightweight support shoe which consistently delivers the type of smooth, fast ride which Mizuno is known for. Our design goal with the new Inspire 11 was to build on the success of previous models and to deliver that same kind of great running experience.
We took feedback from our runners on the parts of the Inspire 10 that they liked and we went back to the drawing board to create an even better iteration of a classic Mizuno favorite for the Inspire 11. The Inspire 11’s Double Fan Wave Plate will still provide exceptional protection and support, but the Plate itself is firmer. What that means for you is the Inspire 11 will have that same distinct snap back—call it a rebound effect if you will–that other Inspires, such as the Inspire 9, had. In other words, your transition from heel to toe will be noticeably quicker and more efficient in the Inspire 11.
The toe area of the shoe from where you spring into your next stride—in technical terms, the toe spring–is also improved. For the Inspire 11, we modified the toebox area and reintroduced the optimal toeoff of without giving it a rocker bottom type feel. With the modifications we made, the toe off into the next stride is virtually effortless.
Finally, we dialed in the classic Mizuno fit starting with our 3D fit design. We added a bit more midfoot integrity to the upper patterns that locks the foot in and allows the shoe to move as one with the foot. We also changed the Runbird on the side of the shoe from merely being cosmetic to much more functional. By stitching the Runbird onto the 11, it holds the foot in place better from heel strike through toe off.
Granted, most of these changes are relatively minor, but once you get the Inspire 11 on your feet, the improvements will add up into a much better, more efficient running experience. If we’ve done our jobs well, the last thing you should notice on your Inspire runs are the shoes you’re wearing.