Interval Cross Training With At Home HIIT Workouts

Guest post by: STUFTmama


As runners we all know it’s hard to find time to fit in other kinds of workouts in our schedule besides our primary focus of running. But, if you can add just two twenty minute cross training HIIT sessions a week, it can make a world of difference.

There are many different forms of cross training you can do, but my favorite go to workout that you can do pretty much anywhere, anytime is a HIIT workout. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. Yes, you can do intervals on the treadmill also, but if you fit in some plyometrics and intense boot camp style moves it will help prevent injury and give you those extra strength and cardio benefits that will help your running.

I noticed a huge difference in my training once I started teaching HIIT style classes. They are designed to be hard. I tell my participants all the time that the goal is to get breathless at least a few times and make their legs burn.

With plyometric moves you’re getting both the intense cardio workout along with the resistance training with the lower body using your own body weight working against gravity. It’s really the best of both worlds. Not to mention your body moves in all kind of different positions to help build additional strength and core stability.

Enough reasons to add a short little workout or two to your weekly routine? Of course.

Here are a couple of workouts you can do anywhere. It’s amazing what you can do in just 10 minutes. Try them for a couple weeks and you should feel a difference in your running.

Do each move for one minute. Repeat the circuit 2-3 times:

  • Burpees
  • Jumping lunges
  • Slow Jacks
  • Alternating Floor Touches
  • Sumo Squat Jumps
  • Mountain Climbers


I actually just did this workout at the park while my boys played on the playground.


mountain climbers

(Mountain climbers)


(Alternating toe touches)

It was definitely a win-win. Get after it and try out a HIIT session

Kristin--Blogger-PhotoKristin (STUFTmama) is a 3:17 marathoner who has completed 19 full marathons. She is an ACE certified group fitness instructor, personal trainer and physical education teacher. Her five year old twin boys keep her busy  and she blogs over at