What Keeps Me Lacing Up

Guest Post by: BackAtSquareZero


I ran the marathon I wanted to run, proved to myself that I was capable of more than I ever thought, and yet… here I am still running onward.  So, what keeps me lacing up?

1. physical health –
We all know that exercising is good for us and it just so happens running is my favorite form of exercise.  I am much more likely to work out when I am doing something I enjoy, like running, as opposed to something I hate (sorry, Zumba dancing is not for me).

2. mental health –
The saying is true – running is really cheaper than therapy.  I keep lacing up not only because of the physical benefits running provides, but also because it does so much for my mental health.  Running provides me with alone time, time to think, and most of all – just time to run it all away.  I always feel better after a run.

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3. new goals –
One of my favorite thing about running is that there is always room to improve, there are always new goals to be set.  Whether that means running a new PR, trying a new distance, or just adding in some new workouts there is always something to improve upon. This leaves many runners, including myself, lacing up day after day with dreams of reaching those new goals.  (I am currently fantasizing about a sub 2 hour half.)

4. the running community –
As soon as you lace up, you become a part of the running community.  People wave to you out on runs, they ask you how it is going, you start meeting new running buddies through social media, and suddenly you are engulfed by this awesome group of people who truly care about your runs.  How could you not lace up day after day with support like this behind you?  (Feel like your real life friends are sick of hearing about your training?  Start an Instagram account to document your journey and find lots of other who will cheer you on.  Start by following @MizunoRunning and @BackatSquare0)   

5.  love –
Somewhere along the line, between all the early mornings, the late nights, and those times I just didn’t want to run, but forced myself out the door anyway, something crazy happened – I fell in love with running.  Running became a part of who I am and a part of who I want to be.  Being a runner is one of my favorite things about myself and I love the joy that it brings me.  abby land 4