Cross Training for Balance

 Guest Post By: STUFTmama

All runners need to work on balance to help with running form and strength. A lot of the time, we neglect the extra cross training needed though. One of the tips I read recently was to run trials to change things up and to help focus a little more on balance as the treadmill or flat road doesn’t present the same opportunity. Sometimes though we don’t have access to trails, but we all can do a little cross training to help with balance. The good thing about cross training is that a little goes a long way as far as running goes.

Any type of HIIT movements where you use plyometrics and have quick changes in position will help with stability and balance. They’ll also help with building lower body strength and improve agility. My favorite go to moves you can do anywhere are one-arm slow power jacks, jumping lunges and side to side ski jumps.

An easy way to add some cross training in, to assist with balance, is just to add a couple moves after your run three times a week. I love using a BOSU ball to engage the core muscles for all movements, but even if you don’t have one, some simple core moves will have great benefits.

Here are some simple exercises you can do after a run. My recommendation would be to hold each one for a minute and go through the circuit twice. But start with just going through once and work up from there.

One-leg static stand (opposite leg bent at 90 degrees and hold)


One-leg squat (try to keep the foot off the floor, but if needed just lightly place ball of foot down)

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One-leg toe touch (reach hand to opposite toes while standing on one leg only)






I was just telling someone that I have to schedule time to do strength and cross training right after my run, because if I don’t, I’m on to all the activities of the rest of the day. Putting forth just a couple minutes three times a week for simple moves like these though will make a world of difference. Cheers to better-balanced running!



Kristin--Blogger-PhotoKristin (STUFTmama) is a 3:17 marathoner who has completed 19 full marathons. She is an ACE-certified group fitness instructor, personal trainer and physical education teacher. Her five-year-old twin boys keep her busy and she blogs over at