By: Maegan Krifchin, Mizuno Elite Team Member
Published: December 9, 2016
The holiday season is pretty much just like any other season for an elite runner. It’s just like any other day or week in the year. We still have plenty of work to do, so there are no days off or weeks off just because of the holiday. The only real difference there might be is where you are training at that current time.
Holiday season is about family time, so if you live far from home, it may mean you make the trip back to your childhood home or to a relative’s house. At other times, you might have a big race coming up, so you stay at your usual training base or go away on an altitude training trip. This means that holiday season may be spent away from family, away from home. It might be spent with teammates, or maybe with locals in your area or just all alone.
While this may seem strict, unfair, not fun etc., this is the life of an elite athlete who is super serious and makes no excuses. To be the best or to reach your highest potential, you need to make sacrifices.
If you are lucky enough to spend these times with family and loved ones, you still need to put the work in, either early in the morning and/or in the evening after some traditions or festivities. As an athlete, you can always find time to work your training into the schedule. After all, it is our job, so we need to get it done. If not, you are not being serious or you just don’t want it bad enough.
Family time is absolutely precious time, so we definitely make sure we enjoy it! You’re really able to relax and enjoy it most knowing you got your work done that day.
As far as diet goes, I think most people stick to their typical routine with a little splurge here and there. Depending on what’s lined up on the schedule, there can be more flexibility. If a big race or training segment is on deck, you have to be stricter with training and nutrition. If you are in a down period there’s more wiggle room (maybe less if you’re filling up on some good eats). Most people can stick to the 80-20 rule and be fine. That is, 80% of the time eat right and eat normal and then 20% is for whatever else.
All in all, the holiday season is just like every other season for an elite runner, it’s training season!!
The takeaway for any individual out there is to keep going. Holiday time does not mean break time, give up and start back up in the New Year. Perhaps it means you can cut back slightly and eat a little more adventurously, however, keep on track with your training plans. Who wants to start the New Year unfit, out of shape and struggling?! Not me! So make sure you get out the door and get your training in! I bet you’ll feel a lot better about yourself and your fitness! Who knows, perhaps you’ll surprise yourself and see it in the race results for 2017.