By: BackAtSquare0, Mizuno running blogger
Published: December 14, 2016
We all know the holidays are an amazing time of year packed with family, friends, and celebrations around every corner. However, the holidays can also be a very busy time of year where you feel you are constantly hustling to get from one holiday party to the next, to make that perfect dish, to find that amazing gift, etc. With such a busy time of year upon us it can be hard to stay motivated to run through the holidays, so here are 5 ways to stay moving during this busy holiday season.
Register for a Holiday Race –
Tons of cities hold Christmas themed races. I know there is a fabulous Reindeer Run right here in Charleston, SC if any of you feel like heading for warmer weather. Do some research and find a holiday themed run near you. Registering for a holiday race not only gets you out of the house, but it also gives you a reason to continue running and training. Plus, it is a great way to get into the holiday spirit – costumes are always welcome.
Host Your Own Christmas Light Run –
You do not have to spend a ton of money registering for races to stay moving during the holidays though. Why not host your own Christmas Light Run? Do a little recon, a fabulous excuse for you to get extra runs in before, and find a neighborhood with a ton of Christmas lights that is in an area you feel safe running at night (well lit, few cars, etc.). Then invite a whole bunch of running buddies and have them invite their friends too. Set a meeting place with decent parking and a simple to follow route that will lead everyone past the lights and back to their cars.
Make a Plan –
We all know the holidays will be busy, so the best way to keep running is to plan appropriately. Think realistically about your month – What days will you be too busy to run? Or just not in the mood? (Like Jan.1st after staying up past midnight.) First, be honest with yourself and schedule these days in as your rest days and then plan the rest of your schedule/training plan around them. By being honest with yourself about your schedule you will be able to plan accordingly, stay on track, and run throughout the holidays instead of feeling guilty when you miss days.
Buy New Cold Weather Gear –
A great way to stay motivated to run throughout the holidays is by equipping yourself with some wonderful new cold weather running gear. Having apparel that will help you stay nice and warm, even when it is cold out, will leave you more motivated to run then if you are lacking decent gear. I highly suggest the Breath Thermo line from Mizuno as it is not only weather appropriate, but also very stylish.
Use it as Stress Relief –
Perhaps the best motivation to keep running throughout the holidays – stress relief. People have mentioned for years and years that running is a form of therapy and that is true. As you run your body produces endorphins that leave you feeling better than you did when you started. So, talk at the office Christmas party turning to politics – run! Aunt Ethel asking why you don’t have a boyfriend yet – run! Your grandpa wondering why you can’t just get a real job like your cousin Joel – run!
How do you keep your motivation to run through the holidays?
I personally made a plan (that is realistic about the days I can and can’t run) to get me through a half in December, another half in January, and a full in February.