Take Care of Your Running Shoes and They’ll Take Care of You

By: Mizuno Shoe Guy Let’s face it: Running shoes are not cheap. A good pair of Mizunos will set you back at least $120. Nevertheless, it’s a good investment in terms of your health and fitness. But we can make that investment last longer by taking care of our shoes.   Simply stated, if you take good care of your

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Meet our Toronto Women’s Run Series Runbirds!

 By:  Michelle Clarke  The Toronto Women’s Run Series is a favourite every year.  In May, women from all over Ontario and the US travel to participate in either the half marathon or the 5km distance.  Every year, every race the mission is the same.  “To offer a racing season that motivates and inspires women to come set the pace. For

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Dealing with Hip Injuries

 By: Elise Yanover.   It seems that there is a need for information in the running world on hip injuries and how they may be caused by changes in training. These changes include hill training and increases in mileage in preparation for a goal race. In my practice, I  would have to say that second to the knee , the

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