Running/Cross Training Apparel- Deciphering Good from Not as Good!

 When I first had the privilege of becoming a Brand Ambassador for Mizuno Canada last fall, I was excited and proud to be able to share my love for all things apparel and shoes with my running, triathlon and client based communities. It’s no secret to those that know me that aside from coffee mugs my equally if not greater

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The Planet Wave: Free, Free At Last From Mileage Mania

Tell me if this isn’t an all too familiar scene: You and/or your running friends follow a hot, long run with a few short laps around the parking lot just to even out the mileage on your GPS. A round number just sounds and looks a lot better. I can relate. Well sorta. I’m one of those weirdos who never

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How to Choose Your “A” Race

By: Mizuno Athlete Leah Thorvilson So many races….so little time. With the ever growing popularity of running, it seems like every time you turn around there is a new race happening. On top of that, all the ones that have been long standing bucket list races for many people are becoming harder and harder to get in to.  So, how

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Mizuno Shoe Guy Answers Your Footwear Questions–August

Do you have a shoe-related question? Or a running shoe question, specific to Mizuno for the Mizuno Shoe Guy? If you have a question you’d like him to answer, send it to (Include your address.) If we pick your question for the Mizuno Shoe Guy to answer, we’ll send you a beautiful Mizuno DryScience T-shirt.   Wave Rider for

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