An Interview with Rachel Seaman – Mizuno Olympian

Rachel Seaman born in Kapuskasing, Ontario is a Canadian race walker. She began race walking at age 14 but didn’t decided to focus on the event until the age of 18. A year later she won the 2005 Pan American Race Walking Cup Junior championship. Her first experience internationally at the senior level was the 2006 IAAF World Race Walking Cup, which is where she met future husband,

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Understanding Muscle Imbalances

By: Mark Crabtree The goal of any exercise program is to elicit a change. Usually, the underlying reason for diving into fitness is to move better, feel better or look better. Maybe your goal is to run your personal best race time, or progress from a 5K to a half marathon. Maybe you want to completely change the way you

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How to Keep at it When Training Gets Tough

By: Abby Land We have all been through those periods when you feel as though you are just barely struggling trough your training and everything feels tougher than it should.  You are sore, you’re exhausted, you just can’t seem to nail your workouts, you lack motivation, or any combination of the above, and it not only messes with your training,

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The Runner’s High: Fact or Urban Myth?

By: The Mizuno Shoe Guy The Runner’s High? Undoubtedly, you’ve heard about it, but is it real? Or, is just another urban legend with no basis in fact? The answer may surprise you: A runner’s high is a very real, tangible by-product of running and not just some illusionary, mythical condition. So, unquestionably, the runner’s high is genuine. Even though

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