Tackling Your First Race: What to do, what to bring, what to wear, how to start

By: The Mizuno Shoe Guy Congratulations!  You have decided to enter your first road race and it’s coming up. Chances are you are nervous and apprehensive about it. Good. You should be. Regardless of the distance, tackling your first race is a significant undertaking. But, assuming you have done the necessary training for the race, you should do just fine.

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Leave Shin Splints in the Dust!

By: Mizuno Race Team Member, Renee Metiver Baillie Shin splits affect over 3 million people in the US each year. Nothing scares a runner more than when a pain along the shin appears. But, if you stay informed and treat at the first sign of pain or sensation, you can leave shin splints in the dust. Shin splints occur from

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16 Ways to Run Awesome in 2016

In order to make 2016 the best ever, my husband and I set some new run goals this year. (mine to just run for fitness and his to run 2016 km, …… he’s behind already.) In keeping with the freshness and goal setting ideas that a new year always brings for many, here are 16 ways to make your running

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Coach’s Corner: The Consistent Couple

By: Amy Begley, Coach- Atlanta Track Club   It sounds so simple: be consistent in your training and you will see results. While attaining fitness goals can take time, you just need to hang in there!   Tim Farley and Jessica Weiss are proof that consistency pays off. The newlyweds are familiar faces at Atlanta Track Club’s training programs. Jessica started

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