Coach’s Corner: The Family-Focused Runner

By: Amy Begley- Coach, Atlanta Track Club   There is typical path that most elite runners follow. They start with a successful high school career, move up to the collegiate level and then go professional.  However, Christy Cazzola is living proof that not everyone has to follow that traditional path, and that great things can come from the road less

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Elite Perspective: The Wave Sayonara 3

  By: Mizuno Race Team Member, Craig Leon   Sun-up to sun-down, the speed at which my life moves is not unlike many of yours…fast!  It’s done with one thing, and on to the next, as I balance my running responsibilities with other life priorities – work, social, and personal.  Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?   What does any of this

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What Keeps Me Lacing Up

Guest Post by: BackAtSquareZero   I ran the marathon I wanted to run, proved to myself that I was capable of more than I ever thought, and yet… here I am still running onward.  So, what keeps me lacing up? 1. physical health – We all know that exercising is good for us and it just so happens running is

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Do You Need A Second Pair of Shoes? What to Look For

By: The Mizuno Shoe Guy   As a running shoe and clothing company, we probably should hesitate to advise you that in order to train safely and most effectively, it is best to own at least two or three pair of running shoes. But, the question is: Do you really need more than one good pair of Mizuno running shoes?

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