Home / breast cancer research foundation
Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. hears the words, “You have breast cancer.” Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the U.S., with 1 in 8 women likely to be diagnosed before the age of 70. A person’s risk of breast cancer can be influenced by several factors, some that can’t be changed- like family history, and…
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Because of research supported by Breast Cancer Research Foundation, we know breast cancer is not just one disease, and that every journey through breast cancer is unique. In order to beat breast cancer, BCRF funds the best minds in the field and encourages them to think outside of the box. Their research crosses the entire spectrum of cancer – from the most basic biology of a cancer cell to developing innovative new treatments and improving quality…
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Sorita Averill-Fitzgerald defines herself as an athlete. In addition to training and running multiple half marathons, marathons and triathlons, she also owns a Fleet Feet running store and participates in several running groups in her hometown of West Reading, Pennsylvania. Her athleticism, however, doesn’t just lie in the races, but also in her preparation for them. “I love setting big goals…
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In 2011, Sonia Ray was the perfect picture of health. At 34 years old, she had been happily married for eleven years and the mother of two sons – 11 and 13. Sonia had no previous health issues and no family history of breast cancer, but when she suddenly felt symptoms of breast cancer such as pain in her breasts, she demanded a…
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