Runner’s Rambilings: Meet Mike Aish

By: Mizuno Race Team Member, Michael Aish


It’s funny…

The other day I was coming down this trail towards the end of my run and I went by these two ladies hiking along. As I gave a small wave and a “thanks” one of the ladies started pointing and yelling, “You’re the guy, you’re the guy, the Leadville guy”. I stopped, but what do you really say to that? After a few minutes and a few handshakes I was on my way, but it got me thinking. As nice as it is to be recognized and yelled at on the trail (and this time for only good reasons) I wondered if this woman realized just what a real loser I really am.


It’s odd that after just about two years of being on social media and having a personal blog, I’m not sure if I’ve really shared (if anyone out there is even reading this stuff) anything personal about myself. Well, here goes nothing…


I was born in New Plymouth, New Zealand and came to Colorado in 1998 on a running scholarship to Western State College located in Gunnison, CO.


I have two golden retrievers.











I don’t really own a car. I drive my wife’s beat up, hand-me-down old 2000 Subaru, and it’s got well over 200,000 miles on the clock. It’s been written off twice, but for some reason in this country you can buy these death traps back from the insurance companies for next to nothing and pretend nothing ever happened.


I’ve been married for going on 12 years.


I grew up on welfare.


I’m a dreamer.


I feel rich if I can fill up the car with gas and not have to check how much it will cost.


I feel more at home at the bus stop than in the boardroom.


I don’t read or write that good.


I can’t for the life of me remember people’s names, no matter who they are.


I studied Fine Art in College.


I believe that integrity is everything, and hate greed driven people, or anyone that has an ulterior motive.


I can be very blunt and to the point.


I love popsicles.


I’m very competitive and too stubborn or stupid to quit or give in.


I love to sleep.


I wish I could have seen Guns’N’Roses live in 1988.


As funny as it sounds, I’m an introvert.


I always get asked, “Do you work here?”


I’ve won 12 NCAA Division II National titles, and then used most of them as firewood one night when we were making s’mores in the backyard.


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I’ve always got time to stop and talk on the trails.


I got deported once.


I “Do” before I “think” all the time.


I am the “American Dream”. I came to this country with all my belongings in two garbage bags, basically nothing and now I feel like I have everything.


I live in the basement of my mother in laws house.


I can be very inappropriate.


I always run when I see the cops, no matter what I’m doing.


I don’t need much.


I spend more time in pajama pants than real pants.


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I believe that hard work is far more important than talent.


I always bet on the underdog.


I hate being late, but my wife doesn’t mind so much.


I love to eat.


It’s funny….

I started running when I was 15 years old as a way to get out of going to class, little did I know that 24 years later not only would I still be running, but it would be my profession. I’ve been blessed to have been able to compete all over the world and experience a whole different way of life through running. Sure, it has it’s up’s and down’s, but without running in my life who know’s where I be.


aish hsMichael Aish is a former New Zealand Olympian, 2000-10,000/2004-5,000m, and current ultra marathoner for the Mizuno Race Team.  With PR’s of 13:22 for 5K and 27:46 for 10K, Michael has been tearing up the ultra scene for the last four years, with his most notable performance being a 2nd place finish in the 2014 Leadville 100.