Upper Body Workouts for Runners

By: STUFTmama

As runners, there are many reasons why we need to remember to strengthen our upper body. It helps improve running form, helps us be more efficient in our running, increases speed, helps our posture and fights off fatigue. With that said, as runners already spending quite a bit of time running, it’s hard to find the extra time to add some strength moves in.

With a background as a fitness instructor before actually becoming a runner, I’ve always focused on resistance training for the whole body. Runners spend a lot of time weight bearing on our legs while running so adding a few upper body moves once or twice a week is a great idea.

Here are my favorite go-to upper body moves that require minimal equipment and you can pretty much do them anywhere.

All you need is a resistance band. The great thing about resistance bands is that they are easy to travel with or keep in your car so you can whip it out and try these moves whenever you have just a little free time.

There are six moves here and you could do 20-30 of each move or do each move for a minute. Choose the option that is most convenient. Shoot to go through twice, but if you’re pressed for time it’s still effective if you only go through once.


Push Ups- Keep your back straight, buns tucked under and head neutral. Modify on your knees if needed.











Dips- Fingers face your toes, keep your head neutral and back straight with knees bent about 90 degrees. Lower down while keeping your elbows facing behind you. Extend back up to start.











Lat Pulls- Start with hands above head and hands about shoulder width apart on resistance band. Pull hands down and out to the side, keeping elbows only slightly bent. Return to the starting position.











Rows- Wrap band around feet and cross the handles. Lean forward  and lift elbows towards the sky. Try to pull them in toward each other at the very top. Return to starting position.











Bicep Curls- Stand on the band with elbows tucked into the sides of the body. Lift hands with handles towards shoulders while keeping elbows stable by your sides. Lower down slowly.












There you have it. Five easy moves you can do anywhere with only a resistance band. Even adding just a few resistance moves a couple times a week can make a big difference.


Kristin--Blogger-PhotoKristin (STUFTmama) is a 3:17 marathoner who has completed 19 full marathons. She is an ACE certified group fitness instructor, personal trainer and physical education teacher. Her five year old twin boys keep her busy  and she blogs over at stuftmama.com .