Safety Tips for Runners

Guest Post By: BackatSquare0 

Running is an amazing sport that keeps both your body and mind healthy (and happy); however, if you aren’t careful when it comes to basic running safety it can also be a dangerous sport.  Luckily, by following some simple safety tips for runners you can greatly reduce any danger to yourself, and instead be able to focus on enjoying your run.

Run with a Buddy – The best way to be safe when running is to have more than just one set of eyes on the lookout.  So run with a buddy or a group and you not only get the added safety benefit, you get the chance you make some great running friends.

Tell Someone Where You are Going – If you cannot find someone to run with be sure to tell someone where you are going and about when you will be back/check in.  Nowadays some GPS watches and phone apps even have real time tracking that can be used.

Run When it is Light Out – Probably the simplest and most effective rule of running safety is to run when it is still light out and you can be easily seen.

Be Visible – However, we do not always have the luxury of running during the day time, especially with the shorter winter daylight hours, so if you must head out at night do whatever it takes to be seen.  Invest in neon clothing, a blinking light, reflective vest, headlamp, etc.  The more the better.  You can never be too safe or too easily seen.

Find a Trail/Sidewalk – Take it off the road and onto a trail or sidewalk.  One of the biggest risks runners face is cars, so by removing as much of this element as you can you make your run instantly safer.

Be Conscious of Traffic – Run facing traffic.  Look both ways when you cross the street.  Assume that the cars do not see you and run as such, better safe than sorry.

Ditch the Music – If you are on a busy street ditch the music.  Save your tunes for the treadmill, trail, or a closed race course – basically anywhere without cars.

Bring Your Phone – It might seem like one extra thing to carry, but if anything goes wrong or any plans change you will want your phone by your side.  Hopefully it is just calling to say you had a great run, went for a couple extra miles, and will be home later than expected.

Carry ID with You – Be sure to have some form of ID on you whether it is your driver’s license or an ID band.  Shoes tags also work really well if you wear the same pair of shoes each run because then you don’t have to do any extra work to remember them.

Avoid Unpopulated Routes – Stay away from areas that do not have many people around.  The more people the less chance of you being out on your own and something happening.

Trust Your Gut – If something or someone seems fishy trust yourself and get away from the situation as soon as possible.

Be sure to plan out safe running routes and stay alert to situations around you so that you can enjoy your run in safety. 



abbyAbby is a formerly overweight couch potato who started running to get healthier and was shocked when she fell in love with the sport, the feeling, the people, all of it.  She talks to strangers on race courses, runs to the side to high five cute kids, and is the person who sticks her entire hand into the community candy bowl at mile 20 of the marathon course.  Abby blogs about her journey to live healthier, become a better runner, and lose the weight at BackatSquareZero.  Also, find her on Twitter(and Instagram) as @BackatSquare0.