With the Atlanta Track Club Publix Marathon fully wrapped up, every participant can relate to this latest blog by Mizuno Running‘s Ambassador, Maegan Krifchin.
I now sit on the plane leaving Sacramento, with the real post-marathon blues. These blues are much worse than the pre-race marathon blues in that. You are not just anticipating the post-race blues, you are actually facing them. The race is really over and now it’s sort of like you don’t know what to do with yourself. As I mentioned before, it’s time to embrace the recovery and the downtime. Most races leave me hungry for more. There are times when I need to step away and really give myself the mental and physical break from the sport. This time, however, I just feel like I have unfinished business.
My race was good, not perfect, but I can walk away pleased with my effort. It wasn’t the result I wanted and was striving for, but I went after it. I was bold and determined to fight for a potential win and although it didn’t work out that way, I can be happy I tested myself. I ended up fading and just holding on to get through the marathon.
The marathon is a beautiful beast. There is a multitude of variables and factors in every single race. You can always, always learn from every single one that you complete. Once it’s done you should take it all in, think about the race, learn from it and then move on. The post-marathon blues state sort of makes the moving on part difficult because you are just stuck without the training routine. However, use the blues and the energy you have from that to get yourself excited about your next race!
It is time to let the body heal, rest and recovery until the next cycle begins. I plan to fill my training voids with active recovery training like stretching and yoga. Sometimes after a race, I just feel stiff, tight and my entire body aches. Rather than just allow my body to get locked in stiffness, stretching and yoga help me stay loose and flexible. Yoga is pretty challenging for me, so I plan to do very light yoga classes and just go for easy relaxing walks. After a few days of this, I’ll feel more refreshed and ready to start rolling again!
I’m looking forward to the path ahead! Trust the process!!
Maegan Krifchin, Mizuno Ambassador and Professional Marathon Runner