There’s something inside all runners that drives us. There’s a deep drive inside all of us that pushes us to be better – to run farther, faster, stronger. Maybe it’s pride. Maybe it’s to show off a little bit. But whatever it is – it’s there. If you’ve ever run a race before you know it’s there, and if you’ve…
Read MoreInterval Cross Training With At Home HIIT Workouts
Guest post by: STUFTmama As runners we all know it’s hard to find time to fit in other kinds of workouts in our schedule besides our primary focus of running. But, if you can add just two twenty minute cross training HIIT sessions a week, it can make a world of difference. There are many different forms of cross…
Read MoreNew for Summer, 2015: Better Ride, Improved Cushioning, Snugger Fit.
By: The Mizuno Shoe Guy In the running shoe industry, the only constant is change. It’s certainly understandable how many loyal runners to a particular model often don’t want any change whatsoever. But Mizuno is populated with highly competitive footwear experts who are never satisfied with the status quo. Mizuno’s mantra is “Never Settle,” and we won’t. Our…
Read MoreHow A Running Ambassador Deals with MS
An Interview by Mizuno Ambassador Elise Yanover. Robyn Baldwin is a marketing manager and fitness personality, and recently became a Mizuno Brand Ambassador. With a passion for health & wellness her website focuses on what it takes to be an Alpha Female™ ( . Her blog focuses on parts of her personal journey, fitness, health, Sunday meal prep ideas, recipes…
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