Keep Your Cool on Race Day- Mentally and Physically

By: Mizuno Race Team Member, Christo Landry Going into the 2014 AJC Peachtree Road Race I was pretty excited: it’s the biggest race in the US, it had a fantastic field of Olympians and professional runners, and it was a chance to earn my third USA title of the year.  Did I see myself as a favorite though?  Nope.  In

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Why I Run.

Guest Post By: BackAtSquareZero Why I Run I started running because I realized I wasn’t healthy, and I wasn’t happy with the way I was treating my body. I hoped running would be the spark that would light a fire underneath me. I was shocked when I actually fell in love with running. Along the way I have discovered so

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Coach’s Corner: The Guy Who Went “All-In”

  By: Amy Begley- Coach, Atlanta Track Club Not everyone starts to run when they are young. I come across new runners and walkers of all ages, from children to seniors and every age in between. Kristian Blaich is a masters division runner for Atlanta Track Club Elite who didn’t start running until he was in his late thirties but

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Behind the Scenes: A Collegiate Runner

  By: Mizuno Race Team Member. Lindsay Flanagan        Competing as a Division One track and field athlete was an incredibly challenging and rewarding experience that helped shape me into the runner I am today. I not only became physically stronger during my time as a student-athlete, but mentally stronger as well. Each race, workout, and long run

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