By: The Mizuno Shoe Guy The Wave Inspire has always had a unique spot on the shoe wall at your favorite store: it’s the one lightweight support shoe which consistently delivers the type of smooth, fast ride which Mizuno is known for. Our design goal with the new Inspire 11 was to build on the success of previous models…
Read More5 Tips for Making New Years Resolutions and Sticking to Them
By: BackatSquareZero 1. Ditch the word resolution, use GOAL instead I prefer the word goal to resolution, always have. To me the word resolution has a negative connotation. Like it is something you make January 1st and then by February it is out the window. Goal just seems like a stronger more lasting word. Because of that, every year…
Read MoreThe Right Mizunos to Train in for Spring Races
by The Mizuno Shoe Guy Although large parts of the country remain firmly locked into another brutal winter, most runners have already started thinking about training for spring and summer races. Spring marathoners certainly have. Most have already turned their attention to logging long runs for such spring classics as Napa, Big Sur, Flying Pig (Cincinnati), Country Music (Nashville)…
Read MorePreventing Injury by Elise Yanover
Injuries….that dirty 8 letter word that all runners hate to experience. Well, any athlete or non athlete even for that matter. When you have to stop what you love to do such as running for any period of time related to injuries it can send some into a tailspin. That one activity that does so much good to so many…
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