Racing Nutrition: Pre and Post Race

Mizuno Athlete Leah Thorvilson shares her favorite recipes for a pre-race meal and a bonus post race smoothie   When traveling for races, unless you have a mobile kitchen, options can sometimes be limited for pre-race meals…but when you are running a race right in your hometown, do you have a “go to” meal you make for yourself? Despite the

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The Tools of Transformation: Shoe Rotation

Mizuno Athlete, Patrick Rizzo talks racing flats. Sometimes we take our experiences for granted. We assume that everyone knows what we know because…well, WE know it! I ran into this issue this month when asked about racing flats and when to use them. Somehow I didn’t have a formulated answer. I had to actually think of how to describe it

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A Mizuno win at the Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon

I raced this past weekend at the Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon. It went well, as I was able to get the win, in a time of 1:03:51. A summary of the day’s events with a few photos can be found here. I decided to race here in Vancouver shortly after the Ottawa 10k. Training was going well and it seemed like

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Using the Pool for Cross Training and Rehab

Spring and summer are my favourite times for outdoor running. I love the heat. I look so forwards to wearing sunglasses at 6 a.m, putting on a tank (Mizuno of course!) or if hot enough just a sports bra and short shorts and heading out for a good sweat. Unfortunately, this summer will not running until at least the middle

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