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Have you run a marathon?! …if you’re a runner, odds are you’ve been asked this question at least once in your lifetime. We all know you don’t have to run a marathon to call yourself a runner, but as runners across all levels grow older, many decide to conquer the 26.2-mile distance. The reason for this phenomenon? As people enter…
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With the Atlanta Track Club Publix Marathon fully wrapped up, every participant can relate to this latest blog by Mizuno Running‘s Ambassador, Maegan Krifchin. I now sit on the plane leaving Sacramento, with the real post-marathon blues. These blues are much worse than the pre-race marathon blues in that. You are not just anticipating the post-race blues, you are actually…
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The idea of training in new places can be super exciting. I love exploring new trails and parks and routes. For others, it can be overwhelming, especially if you’re going to a new place for an extended period of time. Read along to learn about ways that have made the overwhelming experiences a little easier. Start by visiting a running…
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Atlanta Track Club and Mizuno USA have announced a new multi-year agreement, extending our partnership between the nation’s second largest running and walking organization and our Atlanta-based performance footwear and apparel brand. Under the partnership, Mizuno will be the exclusive provider of footwear and apparel for all Atlanta Track Club events and programs including the world’s largest 10K, the AJC…
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