Beat the Heat: Wear the Right Garments

As the calendar barrels towards summer, it’s imperative that we, as runners, prepare our wardrobes accordingly for the looming heat wave. While hydration is also a key part of a “cool running” strategy, it goes hand-in-hand with wearing the right thing on your body. Let’s start from the top. During hotter summer months, opt for a visor made of moisture

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Pronation vs. Supination

By: The Mizuno Shoe Guy   Does this sound like something which has happened to you recently? You went to your local running store in search of a good, basic running shoe. Nothing fancy. You looked at all the shoes on the shoe wall and were amazed at the number of great shoes.   Soon, a store associate asked if

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Safe Summer Running

It seems like every winter is the worst winter ever, but really after living in Canada for 90% of my life I’m still surprised at how much we all complain about the winter! Thankfully warmer summer like temperatures are here (doesn’t it seem like we just have two seasons?!). It’s time to shed those layers and get out and run!

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Building a Strong Core

Guest Post By: STUFTmama As runners we focus a lot on getting our miles in every week, but we sometimes overlook how important it is to have a strong core. Not only is it essential to have a strong core to become a better runner, but it’s also not something you can achieve by just crunches here and there. You may only

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