Summertime Healthy Recipes

Summertime eating and meal preparation should be the simplest of all seasons.  Do nothing recipes that allow us to kick off our Mizuno’s (after a long warm weather run of course) and refuel with little kitchen fuss or “cooking”.  The following recipes are loaded with flavour, take minutes to prep and will keep your belly full without sabotaging all your

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The Planet Wave: Summer’s Here, So Is Fall Marathon Training Season

All across the country, fall marathoners are getting set to begin their three or four-month training programs. It promises to be a long haul, but the rewards waiting at the finish line far outweigh the many miles we will run this summer. One of the many commonalities we are faced with are the same questions, asked by our well-meaning, non-running

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Travel Training- Make the Most of Your Time on the Road

Mizuno Athlete Alissa McKaig weighs in on how to handle travel and training and keep striding strong! Anyone who has ever traveled anywhere knows that even the best laid plans go awry. Pretty sure that is why that saying took off, because you can plan your travel day down to the minute and I promise you something will go wrong. Some

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Mizuno 2014: Which Is The Right Type of Shoe For Me?

  Finding the absolute perfect shoe for you (hopefully, a Mizuno) isn’t always easy. When you go into your favorite running store in search of the ideal shoe, you will be confronted with a huge wall full of all sorts of different brands and colorful models. There are so many that it can be somewhat intimidating, especially for a newbie

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