Dylan Wykes Sets His Sights on a Positive 2014

It’s been a tough year for Dylan Wykes, but thanks to a little patience and a lot of positive thinking, things are looking up for 2014. When 2013 began, Wykes was recovering from a stress fracture; in March he developed a second one. “I got pretty down,” he admits. But the key to staying positive came from redirecting his focus

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The Planet Wave: A Running Debate: To Run With Music Or Not

There are times when I feel like my running world is neatly divided into two distinct camps: Those who run with music on a daily basis and those who don’t. Let me state right off that I love music (rock, country, bluegrass-roots) and listen to it all day while working. (Thank you Pandora.) Just not when I run. To be

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Mizuno Shoe Guy Answers Your Footwear Questions – December 2013

Do you have a shoe-related question? Or a running shoe question, specific to Mizuno for the Mizuno Shoe Guy? If you have a question you’d like him to answer, send it to Shoeguy@Mizunousa.com. (Include your address.) If we pick your question for the Mizuno Shoe Guy to answer, we’ll send you a beautiful Mizuno DryScience T-shirt. Nirvana fan seeks alternative

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Is It Worth It?

Out of the thousands of runs I’ve done in my life, some have stuck with me for one reason or another. Runs that were unique, inspiring, terrible, and some that just seemed plain old ordinary have been imprinted in my precious bank of running memories since I began lifting my feet off the ground. When it snows out, as it

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