Spring Training

There are months at a time where I swear my biggest nemesis is the weather. Overall, Boulder has excellent weather year-round. Our winters are mild; our summers are sunny and dry; spring and fall are short but beautiful! I really can’t complain as this has spoiled me since leaving the midwest 3 years ago.

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Mizuno Shoe Guy Answers Your Footwear Questions—April, 2013

Do you have a shoe-related question? Or a running shoe question, specific to Mizuno for the Mizuno Shoe Guy? If you have a question you’d like him to answer, send it to Shoeguy@Mizunousa.com. If we pick your question for the Mizuno Shoe Guy to answer, we’ll send you a beautiful Mizuno DryScience T-shirt.

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I find myself running the wrong way from the starting line when the gun goes off. I am frantically trotting with one foot in my Mizuno Wave Ronins and the other in my Nirvanas. I am not even sure if they are tied. Somehow I catch up to the field only to find myself running through a stairwell. My legs get so tired that I have to pull myself up with a rope, and several times I stop to talk to people I have never seen before

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The Planet Wave: Open Up the Boston Marathon

That the Boston Marathon is the greatest road race in the world is incontrovertible. Boston is one of those one-word iconic events like the Masters or Wimbledon. No further explanation is necessary.

Boston certainly isn’t the biggest marathon, but it’s the oldest (April 12th will be the 117th) and most tradition-laden race in the world. It’s the one race every marathoner aspires to run.

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