I get a lot of questions through my social accounts on what a day is like for me as a fashion and content designer, athlete and mom. How do I manage it all while being a mom of 3 boys? So I thought it would be fun to share a post on what goes on behind the scenes (“seams”) of Trash to Couture. Maybe it’s just me, but I always find interest in reading content like this. You learn so much about different lifestyles, careers, people, etc.
Let’s dive right in! Each day is different for me so I’m going to pick a Thursday because it’s one of my favorite days of the week, and you’ll see why.

Every day for me begins with a run (and coffee). I love the quote, “For me, a day without running is like a day without eating” (Haile Gebrelassie). This is an important part of my routine and jumpstarts my day. I typically run at 6AM before the family is even up, but today is my lucky day because my toddler has pre-school. Once I get the kids out the door, I use this time to run a speed workout because it’s light out and the weather is perfect (65 degrees). Today, I randomly decide on 5 x ½ mile around our local bike path. I run 2-3 miles for my warmup around the cross-country course. This workout will be moderately hard because I’m on the mend after we all got sick this past week. I start without a pace in mind and go by feel for the first 2 sets. Then I press a bit more the last 3 sets. I like to finish workouts feeling strong and getting faster rather than starting off too fast and slowing the last 2-3 sets. That way, when I race, I’m able to perform with a faster last half and strong finish. It’s important to train the way you want to race. My college coach always preached running by “sensory data.” Pay attention to the body’s cues rather than focusing on what your competitors are doing or what the watch says. Sensory cues can be anything from your breathing, the way you feel, to even your emotions. This ensures a strong finish rather than the opposite. I like to finish my workout with 4-5 fast strides. The cool down is usually no more than a mile or 10 min.
Warm up in Wave Inspire 14
Workout in Wave Sonic
- 5 x 800m (start at 5k pace and get faster each rep)
- Rest 1 minute in between reps
- 4 x 30 sec fast strides (800-mile race pace)
- Cool down 1 mile
Once my run is done, I can’t wait to get home to my studio. The only time I sit down to rest is on the drive home. I do make sure to have a protein shake to refuel post-workout. That way I can charge through the next couple hours. I run my own business as a content and fashion designer for various partners and my blog. I specialize in fashion design, but I create all sorts of content and samples in the DIY/sewing/craft categories for companies like Amazon, Wal-Mart, and Brother Sewing, to name a few. My job requires loads of creativity, and my runs fuel this for me. Post run I’m the most inspired, motivated, and productive. I usually have set projects that I’m working on. I do everything from design, construction, tutorials, content, photography, and editing. Today, I’m finishing up designs for my partners Brother Sewing (various garment samples to be featured on Home Shopping Network), Dritz (a upcycled men’s shirt refashion for their blog), and Embroidery Online (an embroidered quilt for Quiltcon). I have to be organized during this time because I have several projects going on at once. I can sew for hours and lose track of time very easily. Today was a great studio session, and I got a lot of productive work done.
By noon I’m hungry! As a mom I’ve learned to take care of myself first. Everything else can wait. I take the time to make myself a healthy meal and SIT DOWN to eat it. This is probably the only time I can sit through a full meal without interruption. Being a mom to 3 very active boys, plus the running that I do, I have to constantly fuel. I choose meals that are simple to make but have all the key nutrients: dense carbs, high protein, and good fats. Today, I make a turkey avocado sandwich with easy sides: carrots, apple, pretzels and a huge glass of water. It’s a quick and nutritious meal.
Post lunch I sit down for a bit (sometimes with a cup of tea or coffee) to look over emails before heading out to pick up my toddler.
My son usually comes home, and we play for a bit before he is ready for his nap! While napping, I use this time to edit photos and create blog posts for my various partners.
By the time my toddler is waking up, my older sons are getting off the bus which stops at our house. Now it’s “mommy mode!” At this point, the computer/phone are put away, and I take this time to spend with my boys: make snacks, do homework, and squeeze in the never-ending list of cleaning: dishes, laundry, etc, etc.
Evenings are usually full of sports for the boys. Today they have soccer practice. I use this time to let my toddler son play at the park nearby. This I count as a 2nd run/ gym session, chasing him around and lifting him up for over an hour beats any gym workout.
Dinner: We cook 90% of the time. Today I’m doing my go-to curry dish: rice, chicken, veggies, and naan. I’m feeding “4” growing boys so cooking is a must…. lots of veggies, carbs, and lean proteins. Then it’s clean up and get the kids off to bed…hopefully.
I’m usually exhausted at this point, but if I’m cutting it close on deadlines, I will do some more computer/studio time. I try not to though, as I think it’s healthy to shut off and decompress. Balance is key. I take this time to hang out with my husband/Netflix and chill.
That’s my lovely Thursday for you! If only it could be like this every day because I’m already dreading that 6AM alarm tomorrow.
Laura Pifer, Mom on the Run
3 x High School National Champion (2 Track 1 XC) and former H.S. National Recorder holder (5k 16:29) from Bingham H.S. She was part of the University of Colorado’s National Championship team. Post-collegiate she has run a recent 4:36 mile and enjoys competing in 5k & 10k road races. She is currently a mother, business owner, and athlete.
Published: March 2018