I am a mom of three boys so summer can be FUN, exhausting and just downright CHAOTIC. The weather is hotter, the days are longer and the kids are louder. For most of us, we need to find some sort of ZEN so we don’t turn into a mommy monster. This is why I rely on my runs to get me through each day. It’s the one consistent thing I have during the summer.
With school out, I have less structure. Therefore, it’s the perfect time to change up my running routine. I never worry though! Where there is a will, there is a way and this mom has all the tips for keeping those essential sanity runs in the summer mix.
Morning Runs:
This is always number one because it’s the most practical and my preferred way to run. Yes, it means getting up early. However, it’s the best way to get in the run without disrupting the family schedule. It’s also ideal in the summer to beat the heat. In Georgia, the temperatures can be brutal and the humidity is even worse.
I also like that I don’t have to think about how or when I will get in my run and I can go with the flow of the day.
If You Can’t Beat ’Em, Join ‘Em:
There’s nothing like a lovely family outing than a run as a team…j/k. If I MUST I bring the whole family with me then, the two older boys ride their bikes next to me (almost run too) and I push the littlest one in the baby jogger.
I’m lucky enough to live in a community with great bike paths and even shaded trails. This will most likely be a run that is short with a few stops to check out the snakes along the way. I usually plan these days for easy runs.
With this method, it may help wear them out. If yours are anything like mine, good luck!
Schedule Activities:
It sounds fun to sleep in, lay by the pool all day and watch movies until midnight every day. However, after living like this for a few days it gets old fast!
In this case, it’s good to have a schedule of activities. It’s also how I add uninterrupted runs into the mix. My boys’ summer schedule is usually planned for May. They have the swim team, Vacation Bible School, sports camps and more. This is essential to keeping the household sane. I usually use these days to do a harder session where I don’t feel rushed to get out the door and can take my time to warm up and cool down.
Gym Daycare:
When my husband traveled for his job this was my only option to run. I found a great one that even let me drop them off at the kid care and run outside around the track (most make you stay inside the gym). You can always ask if this is an option or opt for the treadmill. At least you’ll have your kids under someone’s watch and you can get in a good run!
Night Runs:
One of my favorite times to run in the summer is the evening. It’s calm and reminds me of high school summer miles when we used to do doubles. I don’t get to do that as often because it’s usually timed around dinner. However, when I can I really look forward to it. Sometimes I even have my husband join me on the track for a workout.
The above is usually how my summer running plays out. I mix and match to add a little variety to my routine. There is always a way to find an hour or so to give to yourself each day to run or workout. Here’s to getting in those summer runs and keeping your sanity.
Tips for Summer Running:
- Run in the morning before the sun and kids are up
- Apply sunscreen
- Wear the right gear
- Make an effort to hydrate throughout the day
- Sleep well
Happy summer y’all!
Laura Pifer, Mom on the Run
3 x High School National Champion (2 Track 1 XC) and former H.S. National Recorder holder (5k 16:29) from Bingham H.S. She was part of the University of Colorado’s National Championship team. Post-collegiate she has run a recent 4:36 mile and enjoys competing in 5k & 10k road races. She is currently a mother, business owner, and athlete.
Published: June 2018