If your summer was anything like mine, then you’re most likely looking forward to the kids heading back to school.
Our summer was jam-packed with a lot of activities, sports, and vacations. As fun as it was, this mom is tired and ready for the routine that the school year brings. For my household, it means back to a structure that is important for all of us! There is less idle time and days spent finding activities to keep my children entertained. The earlier to bed and earlier to rise schedule keeps our sleep in check too!
Now that school is starting, I’m looking forward to a bit more time to myself. This is usually when I start adding in some harder training that I was unable to do while the kids were on break. I did keep my running consistent but wasn’t able to give as much time or energy to my training as I would have liked for interval workouts and long runs.
I also find that this time of year I’m inspired to add some fall races onto the schedule! Whether you’re training for your first 5k or 50th marathon, don’t be afraid to increase your training load a bit now that you can!
I’m looking forward to the first day of school! I’ll be celebrating with a nice long interval workout and post-run stretch too!!
Share the fall races you’re looking forward to and how you are celebrating back to school with @MizunoRunningNA!
Laura Pifer, Mom on the Run
3 x High School National Champion (2 Track 1 XC) and former H.S. National Recorder holder (5k 16:29) from Bingham H.S. She was part of the University of Colorado’s National Championship team. Post-collegiate she has run a recent 4:36 mile and enjoys competing in 5k & 10k road races. She is currently a mother, business owner, and athlete.
Published: August 2018