Earlier this year, Mizuno Running announced one part of our first Ambassador Program. Today, we proudly announce the second part – our first-ever of its kind, Artist Ambassador Program! These artists were hand-selected by the Mizuno Running team, based on their creative spirit and how it all uniquely coincides with running. Get to know one of the talented members of the team, Mary Bue, below.
Mizuno Running: Welcome to the team Mary! How would you like to introduce yourself?
Mary Bue: My name is Mary Bue. I’m a Minnesota native with a heart for traveling all over the world. I am a singer-songwriter, performing musician, and multi-instrumentalist. I play piano, guitar, ukulele, and most recently the sitar which I began studying this January in India! I also am a yoga instructor and former yoga studio owner. I just recently launched my Creativity & Yoga retreat business, and have led retreats in Northern Minnesota, Bali Indonesia, and one on the books for Taos, New Mexico. I’ll be releasing my eighth album The World is Your Lover May 22nd, 2020. [The album] processes some giant life transitions both internally to my own heart, and speaks to the heart of our beautiful, suffering, incredible world.
MR: When did you start singing/songwriting?
MB: I began songwriting and performing in earnest in 1998 when I was 17 years old. I had just moved to Duluth, Minnesota to attend college and to the dismay of dorm-mates was up writing songs until the wee hours of many weeknights. I first performed at an open mic at a coffee shop and to my awe and delight, the room quieted, and I was met with much encouragement. Since then I’ve released seven albums and toured solo in almost all 50 states.
MR: That’s amazing! When did you start running?
MB: I’ve always loved running as a child, and briefly was on the track team in high school (but didn’t like group organized sports, even if running solo! So, I stuck to art class and playing music). When I was 19, my dad and I decided to run the Gary Bjorkland half marathon (Duluth Grandma’s Marathon co-event) and I was hooked. Twenty years later, I’m still obsessed.
MR: It’s so cool how the two sort of started happening more seriously just within a couple of years of each other. How does running and creating music tie together for you?
MB: There is something about the rhythmic motion of running that makes my brain click in a certain way … and my heart soar. Sometimes lyrics and melody come – especially on longer training runs – and give me goosebumps and I have to pull over and sing into my phone or type out the words. I usually run in the late morning and come back to settle in to playing music or writing lyrics. I feel that running freshens up my thinking, gets the juices flowing, and clears the slate for new words and sounds to emerge.
MR: It sounds like they really go together for you! It must be tough to be a musician on the road and still stay disciplined with running.
MB: Running has kept me healthy and sane through not-so-healthy times in my music life (playing shows in bars, getting home at 2 or 3 am, long solo drives across the country). Once I even got featured in a newspaper (Sheboygan Press!) because I stopped into a music venue in the early post-show morning for a coffee after my run and a reporter was there who had been at my show and was so impressed that I was out for a run the morning after my gig. Running not only cleanses my brain and body to leave room for new inspiration to emerge but also helps me to process future plans for my career whether they be the marketing for the release, the next tour, how to structure band rehearsal or recording, art for the album, blogs around the song content, social media posts, etc. The time and space my near-daily running habit gives me help me SO much to organize my creative chaos.
MR: That really is incredible – I wish I was able to be that productive on my runs!
MB: I’d go nuts without running!
MR: Relatable! One last thing, what is your favorite Mizuno Running shoe?
MB: I LOVE the Wave Shadow 3!!! It is super lightweight and funky and bright. I ran around the beautiful Bali rice terraces in February and March and my feet kept cool in the pre-sunrise humidity, and comfy / supported along the uneven walking paths and roads. Thank you for making such an awesome shoe!
Learn more about our other Artist Ambassadors on The Insider and on Instagram at @MizunoRunningNorthAmerica.
Published: April 2020